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1、Accounting and Finance MSc
Advanced International Financial Reporting
Advanced Management Accounting
Foundations of Finance Theory
Statistics For Finance
Current Issues in Accounting
Research in Corporate Finance
Dissertation (MSc Accounting and Finance)
Equity Valuation(总共修30学分)
Credit Risk Management
Investment Management
Behavioural Finance
Fixed Income
Corporate Governance
Financial Engineering
Quantitative Research Methods in Finance
Mergers and Acquisitions
Governing Decision-Making Through Data Visualisations
2、Carbon Finance MSc
必修课 :
Climate Change and Environmental Policy
Carbon Markets
Carbon and Environmental Accounting
Energy Finance
Carbon and Environmental Consulting Project
Low Carbon and Green Investment
Research Methods in Carbon Finance
Dissertation (MSc Carbon Finance)
Investment Management (修15学分)
Global Financial Markets and Emerging Economies
Behavioural Finance
Corporate Governance
Organising for Social Change: Strategy, Governance & Innovation
Baseline-and-Credit Methods and Applications
3、Computational Mathematical Finance MSc
必修课 :
Research-Linked Topics
Discrete-Time Finance
Object-Oriented Programming with Applications
Stochastic Analysis in Finance
Numerical Probability and Monte Carlo
Risk-Neutral Asset Pricing
Stochastic Control and Dynamic Asset Allocation
Dissertation (CMF)
选修课 :
Time Series(必选)
Numerical Partial Differential Equations(必选)
第一学期4选1 每门课10学分:
"Programming Skills
Finance, Risk and Uncertainty
Python Programming
Bayesian Theory"
第二学期4选1 每门课10学分
"Financial Risk Theory
Credit Scoring
Optimization Methods in Finance
Integer and Combinatorial Optimization"
(还有GroupB GroupC都是有两门必选和每个学期再选一门)
录取要求 : 数学或统计学、物理学或工程学等数学学科的英国二级甲等学位,或国际同等学历。申请者必须有相关的编程经验(至少一个学期的本科编程课程,任何语言,如C, c++, Java, Python,通过2:1级)。
4、Economics / Economics (Econometrics) / Economics (Finance) MSc
there are six core courses: two each in microeconomics,macroeconomics, econometrics and an econometrics based project.
选修课 :
Advanced Topics in Macroeconomics
Advanced Topics in Microeconomics
Advanced Time Series Econometrics
Advanced Microeconometrics
Asset Pricing
Bayesian Econometrics
Corporate Finance
Development Economics
Development and Methodology of Economic Thought
Economics of Labour Markets
Economics of the Public Sector
Economic Policy
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
Experimental Economics and Finance
Health Economics
International Money and Finance
Industrial Organisation
International Trade
Topics in Economic History
录取要求 : 在经济学或数学相关学科上,获得荣誉学士学位,或同等的国际荣誉学位。我们期待从您的本科学习包括微积分和积分,概率论和线性代数的高分。
5、Finance MSc
必修课 :
Statistics For Finance
Financial Markets and Investment
Financial Statement Analysis
Corporate Finance
Quantitative Research Methods in Finance
Dissertation (MSc Finance)
选修课 :
修45个学分 三门课
Equity Valuation
Investment Management
Behavioural Finance
Fixed Income
Corporate Governance
Financial Engineering
Case Studies in Corporate Finance
Energy and Environmental Markets
Energy Finance and Policy
Executing Strategy and Management Control
Research in Corporate Finance
Mergers and Acquisitions
录取要求 : 要求申请者需要英国一级或2:1以上的学位,或同等的海外资格
6、Finance, Technology and Policy MSc
必修课 :
Market Design and Policy
Data Value Chains to Constellations
Python Programming
Financial Valuation
Financial Markets and Investment
Modern Financial Market Microstructure
Modelling, High-Frequency Trading and the Sociology of Finance
Introductory Applied Machine Learning
Dissertation (MSc Finance, Technology and Policy)
选修课 :
Innovation-driven Entrepreneurship
Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation (10 credit)
Financial Engineering
Behavioural Finance
Investment Management
SAS Programming for Financial Analysis
Blockchain and Cryptofinance
Blockchain, Governance and Policy
The Human Factor: Working with Users
Law and New Technologies: Artificial Intelligence, Risk and the Law 2
Optimization Methods in Finance
Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
录取要求 : 要求申请者需要英国一级或2:1以上的学位,或同等的海外资格
7、Financial Mathematics MSc
必修课 :
Credit Risk Modelling (HW)
Derivatives Markets (HW)
Derivative Pricing and Financial Modelling(HW)
Discrete-Time Finance (UoE)
Financial Markets (HW)
Special Topics 1 (UoE)
Special Topics 2 (HW)
Stochastic Analysis in Finance (UoE)
选修课 :
Optimization Methods in Finance (UoE)
Financial Econometrics (HW)
Portfolio Theory (HW)
Numerical Techniques of Partial Differential Equations (HW)
Simulation (UoE)
Statistical Methods (HW)
Statistical Inference (HW)
Time Series Analysis (HW)
Stochastic Control and Dynamic Asset Allocation (UoE)
录取要求 :要求申请者取得数学、统计学或相关学科英国一级或2:1以上的学位,或同等的海外资格。语言要求英语最低为雅思6.5,或者托福92分,各科小分不低于20。
8、Financial Modelling and Optimization MSc
必修课 :
Discrete-Time Finance (10 credits, S1)
Stochastic Analysis in Finance (20 credits, S1)
Fundamentals of Optimization (10 credits, S1)
Research-Linked Topics (10 credits, full-year)
Finance, Risk and Uncertainty (10 credits, S1)
Risk-Neutral Asset Pricing (10 credits, S2)
Numerical Probability and Monte Carlo (10 points, S2)
Optimization Methods in Finance (10 credits, S2)
选修课 :
Operations Research and Mathematical Finance courses:
Financial Risk Theory (10 credits, S1)
Computing for Operational Research and Finance (10 credits, S1)
Fundamentals of Operational Research (10 credits, S1)
Stochastic Control and Dynamic Asset Allocation (10 credits, S2)
Credit Scoring (10 credits, S2)
Financial Risk Management (10 credits, S2)
Risk Analysis (5 credits, S2)
Stochastic Modelling (10 credits, S2)
Relevant Statistical and Numerical courses:
Multivariate Data Analysis (10 credits, S2)
Numerical Partial Differential Equations (10 credits, S2)
Advanced Time Series Econometrics (10 credits, S2)
Programming courses:
Object-Oriented programming with applications (10 credits, S1)
Parallel Numerical Algorithms (10 credits, S1)
Programming Skills (10 credits, S1)
录取要求 :数学或统计学、物理学或工程学等数学学科的英国二级甲等学位,或国际同等学历。对于语言要求雅思:6.5分,小分不低于6.0分。托福总分92分,各科小分不低于20分。
9、International Banking Law and Finance LLM
必修课 :
Practice of Corporate Finance and the Law (40 credits)
Practice of International Banking and the Law (40 credits)
Regulation of International Finance: The Law, the Economics, the Politics (40 credits)
10,000 word dissertation worth 60 credits.
录取要求 :要求申请者取得数学、统计学或相关学科法律、金融、会计、管理或商业研究方面英国一级或2:1以上的学位,或同等的海外资格。如果是二等学位,需要申请者证明之前在法律和金融监管方面的高水平学习或经验。
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伦敦艺术大学(University of the Arts London,
Liverpool Science Park,131 Mount Pleasant,Liverpool,L3 5TF